Friday, August 17, 2007

Something I look forward to each night...

I have to say, one of the highlights each night for me is to go into Isaac's room while he's asleep and just sit on his bed and watch him sleep. It's such an amazingly peaceful thing to do. It struck me again tonight (as it has done in the past), that he, while he's asleep, doesn't have a care in the world. He's warm, clean, dry, well fed, well clothed and assured of his mother and father's love. And then unlike other times I've pondered the existence of my son, it became so clear to me how much I have to learn from him. And how much he really is a tool that God is using to teach me life lessons.

It's also cute on those nights when we pray and I ask him how many angels he wants to come and watch over him, invariably he always says, "five". Who know why he picks that number, but five it is. I'm enjoying the process of teaching him spiritual lessons, and trying to create an awareness in him that God is out there, and that he loves him (Isaac), and that he (Isaac) has a need for Jesus in his life.

And then the best part comes when I pray for him as he's sleeping and then lean down and kiss him goodnight and get to smell his hair. I don't know why, but that is my favourite smell in the whole world. It's been like that ever since he was a baby. For some reason it just makes me smile. And THAT is a good memory to have of him as I myself go to sleep and rest for the day ahead of me.

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