Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Chick(ens)

After several weeks of waiting the big day finally arrived at preschool.

Isaac used the words "good" and "soft" when I asked him how the chick felt when he held it.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

One would think it's summertime...

We were doing some yard work this afternoon and watering the flowers out front, when Isaac had a bright idea to enjoy the sprinkler. (if you can't see the video below, try disabling your pop-up blockers)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Recent Happenings

Isaac helping me change some electrical sockets.

Last Sunday morning at church, Isaac was helping the Sunday School kids sing a song for the congregation.

Does God have cold feet?

We were talking about Mormor today at lunch, and Isaac came up with a couple good ones. I made the comment to Isaac that since she's in heaven that she could probably run faster than he could. Isaac replied, "No she couldn't. Because she can't run without bones", (after which Isaac made some comment about the backhoe and the casket).

So we talked a bit about Mormor having a new body, and not needing anything because she's in heaven.

Then Isaac wondered if she was knitting God some purple socks. Don't really know why, but it was funny and we were glad for the laughter.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

More Equipment

After I picked Isaac up from Preschool on Friday, we went over to the exhibition grounds where another conference (2008 Minerals North) was being held. Isaac quite enjoyed himself, even with the cold (I think the Slurpee helped).

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Yes, spring really does take place up here.

The flowers are in our front yard. The excavation is taking place in our back yard. Hopefully our back staircase is still standing.

Smithers Trade Show

Smithers had it's annual Trade Show this past weekend and we went a couple different times. As you can see by the following pictures, Isaac quite enjoyed himself. What we didn't post were images of the "trauma" we as parents apparently inflicted upon him by announcing it was time to leave.

(Just in case you were wondering, no, we didn't buy either the guitar or the quad. Although come to think of it we could make a nice, albeit small, track in our back yard...hmmmm.)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sample Portraits

I thought I'd put up a few of the sample images I've made with the help of my new camera and lighting equipment. I'm glad to have such willing models.

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Bike

We bought Isaac a new bike this past weekend at the bike swap that a local store had. He's quite enthusiastic about it. It's a struggle teaching him how to ride though. Hopefully it won't be too much of a patience-tester!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A few memories

Here are a few photos from my trip south, not in sequential order.

Easter dinner at my parents', a week early. We also exchanged April and May birthday gifts, to save postage.

Isaac wanted to see where Papa Vern worked, so Dad gave us a quick tour on his lunch break.

Wednesday was nice, so we headed to White Rock in the afternoon. Lots of good memories there!

Isaac and his best friend, Brock.

Aunt Mary and Mom in Mom's kitchen.

Keith and Cynthia, whose wedding was one of the reasons for our trip down.

Kerry and Birgitte at Keith and Cynthia's wedding.