Saturday, April 4, 2009

What an eventful day

Yesterday was an eventful day, as I prepared some focaccia bread and a turkey for dinner for our extended local family to celebrate Mom C's birthday; took Isaac out for lunch at our local meat shop (they've started barbecuing hamburgers and smokies every Thursday and Friday from 11:30 until 2); got my hair cut the shortest ever, I think, and received lots of positive comments; prepared the house and table for the dinner, as well as the guests joining us later for dessert; then enjoyed fellowshipping with everyone. As someone commented later, it was a successful party, with 14 kids and 18 adults!

Today was much more low key. I went to Curves this morning, then later the three of us went for a walk. On the way back, Isaac and I collected some trash as well as beverage cans and bottles along our street. We got two grocery bags full! I wish people were more careful with their trash. In the afternoon, Isaac and I went to Telkwa to buy some local meat, then went to have tea with Mom C, while Curtis watched basketball on the computer. After supper we played games with Isaac until it was time for him to go to bed, and I did some laundry as well.

Well, I should go, as I have to get up early for work tomorrow. Unfortunately that means I'll be missing church again this week. God bless you all!

My beautiful wife

My only comment to Bonnie before she went to get her ears lowered was that short would be nice.

And indeed it was...both short and very nice.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I thought this was supposed to be spring...

Yet another snowfall arrived overnight, and the patches of grass that were finally showing through were temporarily hidden again (I just looked out, and saw that the size of the uncovered patch of grass in our back yard has grown quite a bit since last week. Last night's snowfall has already melted, hooray!) Everywhere I go I find other people wondering when spring will finally be here - green grass, buds on the trees, flowers pushing up through the dirt...After all, it is April already. I know winters are longer up here, and I accept that, to a point, but even Isaac has been wondering when the snow will be gone.

That said, I must say I've been thankful that the weather is warming up somewhat. As Curtis said, we went for our first family bike ride of the year this week, and look forward to many more. I've been trying to walk more these past weeks, partly because my Curves club has a walking challenge on, and partly because it's great to get out for the fresh air and exercise.

Tomorrow night we're having some people in to help celebrate Curtis' Mom's birthday (she was in Alberta on the actual day), so that should be fun, if a bit loud with all of the kids that may be coming.