Sunday, January 13, 2008

Remember me?

I can't believe thirteen days have already passed in this new year, and I haven't written since the 29th of December. Why do the days go by so quickly?

These last two weeks I've had steady work, which is a blessing, although the last four days I've been getting up at 5am to be at work by 6, which is tiring. I have one more tomorrow before I'll have a couple of days off (I think - I actually have nothing scheduled after tomorrow, so if they call me for overtime, I may take it).

Curtis and I spent a quiet New Year's eve at home this year, which was nice. I/we have usually spent it with friends in the past. New Year's day we went to Curtis' parents' place for breakfast, then returned home by lunch time, as Curtis had things to prepare for his solo show at the art gallery.

Curtis' opening night had a good turnout, so I was told, with close to 40 people attending. Several of them were family and friends, and we appreciate their support. It was fun to hear our nieces claim which photos were their favorites. We even had a couple of small sales that night. I've had several people tell me that they'd like to stop by and see the show while it's up, so I hope they do.

Yesterday Isaac got to try out the ice skates he got for Christmas - he and Curtis went to Telkwa to join Michael, his kids, and a bunch of their friends for Bethany's birthday party. Apparently he did okay, with some help from Daddy and Uncle Michael. I was working.

Isaac has really gotten into counting lately, and asking what the words are that he sees. He can already sound some words out, and his memory for stories we haven't read in awhile blows me away sometimes. That probably has something to do with envy, as my memory can be quite poor. Another thing that has been amazing me about him lately is his imagination, and his stretching of mine. At night he still likes me to lay down with him for a few minutes, and he wants me to ''read some made-up stories from your head". I can think of several people much more gifted than me at making up stories from their head, but I do my best.

Last night Curtis and I had a date night, and we decided to check out the local bowling alley, which is just down the street from us. We were the only customers the whole time we were there, which was long enough to bowl three games. I must say, I still need a lot of practice!

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