Monday, September 17, 2007

Being challenged

Tonight I feel compelled to share a challenge with you. Please read this article and you'll understand where the challenge comes from. After you're done, I would be interested to hear what comments you may have on what the author had to share.

In other news...

We're gearing up for a week of holidays back in the lower mainland. We fly down to Vancouver on Wednesday morning to spend a week visiting with Bonnie's family and friends. It's been interesting trying to fit all the different appointments and engagements into the few days we'll have down south. I imagine we'll come back from our holidays needing a rest from all the activities we'll take part in. But it will be satisfying nonetheless I'm sure. If you want to get a hold of either Bonnie or myself, just send us an email.

I've got some meetings Thursday in Vancouver with a new client, a supplier and the facilitator of a photography training course that I'm going to be taking next July in Victoria. Image Explorations (this will take you to their site--although it doesn't have the 2008 information up yet) is the company that puts on these one-week training courses once a year. They offer focused training on a variety of topics. I'm going to be taking the "Wedding Photography" track and am excited to be learning from a photographer I've only just been introduced to. Scott Robert Lim is his name and here is his website. Beware it's a multimedia-rich site so those of you on dial-up BEWARE! I'm REALLY looking forward to this training. As far as I know the class sizes will be relatively small, and we'll be studying/shooting with our instructor all week. So I can't wait to see how much better a photographer I'll be after this week of learning next year.

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