Thursday, December 13, 2007

And the best part about today was?

Two parts to this answer:
1. While Bonnie was at Curves, Isaac and I were outside pushing snow as he likes to call it. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, and it actually felt a little warm. But the real blessing was just spending time with Isaac, doing something he wanted to do. So the two of us--me with the shovel, and Isaac with his Tonka dump truck--spent about an hour clearing parts of our driveway off. I'd fill his dump truck up with snow and he'd proceed to push it away to the ditch.

Later I split some more wood and Isaac helped stack it in our carport.

I continue to be blessed by how much he enjoys helping out in the various things I try and get done around the house. It's good for my soul.

2. I spent a good portion of the day pursuing some new opportunities for my business. In the morning I spent a couple hours walking around town distributing posters and invitations for my upcoming photography exhibition at the Art Gallery (Jan.3-26, 2008).

Then this afternoon I had another meeting with the town representative for arts, recreation and culture. We've been discussing for a couple days now the possibility of me putting on a series of photography-related workshops in the new year. The thought of teaching is a little intimidating, but I'm encouraged that this town representative feels there's some good possibilities in the ideas we've discussed thus far.

And lastly, after supper I called the owner of a new hotel that's being built here in town. I had spoken with him briefly a few weeks ago, but only followed up tonight. I had the idea to approach this gentleman about selling him some prints of my photography as art/decoration for his new hotel. So tomorrow we're going to meet and I'm going to show him some of my images and see where it goes from there.

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