Friday, May 23, 2008

Trying to win the battle of the weeds

Hello everyone. I hope you're having a beautiful spring. We had a bit of rain here recently, and suddenly, everything is green again! I try to get outside whenever I can to pull up a few weeds, plant some seeds, and do some watering.I'm thankful for all of the perennials that the previous owners planted - it's fun seeing what comes up(other than the weeds - dandelions anyone ?) This morning I went over to my Mother-in-law's place in Telkwa, and together we visited some local growers to purchase some plants to put together a few flower pots/baskets. We didn't have enough time to do the potting, though, as I had to get back to Smithers to pick up Isaac from preschool. We'll try to get together again in the next couple of days.

Isaac loves to help me shop for groceries - pushing the cart, or carrying the baskets; helping me load the bags of fruit, showing me which treats he'd like to get... He really is a good helper, so I didn't mind taking him along with me this afternoon. We saw his teacher at one of the stores, so we stopped to chat with her for a few minutes. Isaac really enjoys her class.

It seems that God has been rewarding Curtis for his patience and diligence in regards to the business. After several months of researching and advertising and wondering when more business would come his way, suddenly he finds himself taking daily calls for passport photos (of course, it doesn't hurt that his competitor is temporarily out of commission due to technical problems), in charge of photos for numerous kids' soccer teams, planning a photo directory for our church, and looking into other possibilities as well. It's great to see his skills being put to good use.

Curtis gave me a beautiful gift for Mother's day this year - a framed copy of the photo he took of the first Calla Lily that grew in the garden at our townhouse in Abbotsford. It's gorgeous, and it brings back memories of the night I stood holding the umbrella over him as he took the photo in the rain. The gift now graces our mantle. Isaac also gave me a beautiful gift - a flower pot he coloured and decorated with coloured glass 'stones' in his Sunday School class, as well as a card and a little hand painted ladybug fridge magnet. Precious!

The other day, Curtis and Isaac came to join me on my lunch break at work, and Isaac came bearing a gift bag - when he found out they were coming to see me, he wanted to make me a card! How sweet! Lately he's been climbing into a big cardboard box and asking one or the other of us to tape up the box and gift wrap it for a present to the other parent. He gets quite put out when we try to explain that it's not a very safe idea.

One of the many gifts Isaac received for his birthday was some Lego from his great grandfather. I don't know who has more fun creating new things with it, Curtis or Isaac! Lego is a toy that can be enjoyed by many generations - a classic!

I'd better go. I've got to get up bright and early. Happy Spring everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you again Bonnie; one can really "hear" how happy your family is since your move north.

    We had a spring day here in Abby, very hot but sometime between 6-7 tonight it rained...again...go figure.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!
