Monday, March 2, 2009

A busy day

We had an eventful day. I had some errands to run this morning (delivering photos to customers from Valentines Day) and as a result of that, found out a couple of the people I talked to needed some passport photos taken so that was nice. It is encouraging to see the fruits of the labour involved in getting out and talking to people. I've been trying to get out of the house more, get my face out there as it were, and try and raise my profile in the community. Hopefully through that, more business will come.

Then I came home and Bonnie went out to Curves to get some exercise. While she was gone I prepared for this afternoon when I would be going to the skating rink to do some more tests for a job I have coming up next week. I'm doing some photography of individuals and groups for the local figure skating club on the 11th, and I needed to actually get my lights out on the ice to approximate conditions as much as possible.

Then mom brought Isaac back from Telkwa as last night we went to Mom and Dad's for supper and ended up staying overnight.

Bonnie went to work at 2, and shortly thereafter (about 2:45) I headed out the door with Isaac. I had some other errands to run (delivering more photos, checking the mail) before I had to drop Isaac off at a classmate from kindergarten's house. I left him there so I could focus on the ice and be as quick as possible. I finished at about 4:15 or so, and then picked Isaac up at Riley's house.

We went home, dropped my lighting equipment and camera gear off and then took Isaac to his soccer class. I left him there, went and got some groceries for supper, went back, played a game with him and the other kids and their parents and then came home for supper.

After dinner which was a little later than normal, we watched a little bit of a concert DVD from a band we like, played a bit with his toy monster trucks, had a bedtime snack and then Isaac got into bed. He seemed pretty tired from his exertion in the gym, so hopefully he'll have a good sleep and be ready for school tomorrow.

Isaac was missing Bonnie quite a bit, and so we phoned her at work and Isaac got to say goodnight, and that he missed her. It's quite sweet when Isaac gets wistful like that.

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