Monday, February 9, 2009

More of the Wisdom of Isaac

I think Isaac has said this before, but it bears repeating. The other day Isaac told Bonnie and me that, "as big as God is, that is how much I love you".

Then today at lunch, Isaac was praying before the meal and he thanked God for the food and for His creation and then said Amen. But before he started eating he said he forgot something, and proceeded to pray, "and thank you God for creating the people that make Lego".

Bonnie and I both smiled.

Speaking of Lego, last night after we watched Wall-E for the umpteenth time, I tried my hand at creating the titular character. Here's the results.

Isaac was quite happy with it when he woke up this morning. He's already made his own modifications to it (which I fully expected).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Isaac for reminding us of How Big God is. Thank you for reminding us how important it is to pray for all things, even the little things. We love you all too!
    Auntie Colleen and family
