Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birthday fun

Before I describe the fun I had today, I want to mention something that made me proud last evening. Isaac wanted me to read him a story, so I brought out "Green Eggs and Ham", which had been a favorite when he was younger. When I opened to the first page, he read it easily, so I turned the pages and let him continue to read the words to me. This went on for several pages before he stopped and said, "No Mommy, turn back to the first page and you read it to me." I told him I was quite enjoying having him read to me, and after much persuasion, he continued, right to the end of the book, with only one or two words that he needed help with. Then I read it to him, and he told me I read it so much faster, to which I responded that I've had years of practice.

Isaac told me yesterday afternoon that since he and Daddy have things to do on Monday, that they would have to do my birthday today. So, when I woke up this morning, they sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and had set up a treasure hunt in the living room. My treasure included a necklace, fridge magnets, hair bands, picture frames, bouncy balls, a cheese slicer, and an Aero bar. After breakfast and a shower, I found an outfit to match my new necklace, so I could wear it to church.

After church, we came home and had lunch, then did some cleaning and preparation for my potluck dinner party. After that, we played a bit with the baseball equipment, talked to a neighbour, then played SORRY on the back deck in the beautiful warm sunshine. I did a bit more preparation of veggies and stuff before our guests started to arrive. It was a fun evening with Curtis' brother's family and a few friends, to celebrate another year that God has blessed me with. Curtis had helped me make some hamburgers, and he barbecued them to perfection, along with some farmer sausage. One friend brought a shepherd's pie, and another brought veggies and dip, and Geralyn made a beautiful cake. Another friend brought over some chocolate treats as well, so we had lots to enjoy. The kids spent most of the time outdoors, and the adults enjoyed visiting around the table.

Oh, and I found out from Curtis that my gift from him is a new bed frame! He and Isaac had gone to a furniture store here in town and ordered one, which should be here in about 8 weeks. I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect celebration...happy birthday, Bonnie.

