Saturday, October 11, 2008

bumps and bruises

On Thursday, I got to join Isaac and his class, along with the grade 1 class, at the skating rink. I was quite impressed with how well Isaac stayed up, most of the time, considering it was only his 3rd time on the ice with his new skates. I was also amazed with how many of the kids were able to skate on their own already. They even played a couple of games, like "British Bulldog" , and another tagging game. Isaac was quite determined not to get caught, until he realized that he could then be a tagger! He did have one mishap, though, near the end of our time there. He'd been pushing a wooden chair for balance, and had stopped to find out how the next game was to be played, when he lost his footing and fell to the ice, bringing the chair down with him . The curved part of the seat (fortunately, I think) hit him at the top of his nose, and resulted in tears and a goose egg right between his eyes. I managed to make a small snowball from off the ice to try to bring the swelling down, but he didn't want to keep it on long enough to do much good. Once he got over the initial shock and pain, he started pointing his goose egg out to anyone who would listen. What is it with boys and battle scars?

Yesterday morning I received a few wounds (bruises) of my own. As usual when I am biking to work, I had hooked my lunch bag handle over the right bike handle, only this time, I had forgotten to hook the strap as well. I hadn't gone very far when my right foot caught in the strap, and down I went, bike and all. My legs have a few bruises as a result, as does my pride. I was wishing I'd stayed in bed!

Since it is Thanksgiving weekend, I will start by saying I'm thankful that Isaac's injury was a minor one, and that mine was, too. I am thankful for the city and country we live in, where we have the opportunity vote and try to make a positive difference in the lives of others. I am thankful for our families and friends near and far, and for the ability to keep in touch through various means. I am thankful for God's amazing love and for all his blessings each and every day, whether we acknowledge them or not. I am thankful that you are taking the time to read this, and that you care about what happens in our lives. May God bless you and yours this holiday weekend, giving you many reasons to be thankful.

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