Friday morning we were up by about 7, and the guys started working around 8. Mom and I headed to the hardware store to purchase paint for Isaac's playroom, which Mom had said she would paint for us. I also showed her a few of the other shops on Main street, as we had to wait for the paint to get mixed. By the time we returned, it was time to prepare lunch, and at 1:30, it was time for me to get going to work again. Eunice Penner stopped by just as I was preparing to leave, as she wanted to visit with my Mom, whom she hadn't seen in years. Apparently she helped Mom out with the painting, which we really appreciate. The room looks great!

Again when I returned from work, the guys were still busy, but soon called it a night. They didn't want to upset the neighbours, but they were preparing for the auger and cement mixer coming the next morning.
Saturday morning dawned as bright and beautiful as the day before, and it wasn't long before holes were being dug, footings poured, and the deck started to take shape. In between baking some cherry platz, cleaning house with the help of my Mom, grocery shopping, and trying to keep the guys nourished and hydrated, I captured some video footage of the process occasionally. And, as if Curtis wasn't busy enough, he had to leave early in the afternoon to photograph a wedding! (My prayer is that the bride and groom will be very happy with his photos, and will recommend him to others.) By the end of Saturday night, the deck, stairs, and railing were nearly done, apart from the spindles, which Curtis will finish. They just had about an hour's work to do on Sunday, they said.
Sunday we decided to do some sight seeing and give everyone a break from their labours. In the morning we went to Twin Falls and hiked a little ways up the trail. The falls are a spectacular sight, and I enjoy seeing God's powerful creation. From there we stopped at Lake Kathlyn, and then returned home so the men could finish their job before lunch, and Mom and I prepared for our guests. It was nice to visit with Ken and Eunice (Ken works with Curtis' brother Michael in their 'Streetcorners' ministry and Eunice is a cousin of my Dad), Andy and Darlene (former owners of our house), Michael and Aleya Joy (Curtis' brother and youngest niece - Michael's wife Geralyn was home with their three other children, who have strep throat), and Curtis' Dad, Jim, who was celebrating his 71st birthday. Geralyn had sent some huckleberry pie and candles, so we sang Happy Birthday to Jim.

After the others left around 5, Jim took us (except Curtis, who stayed home to rest) to do some more sightseeing in our van. We went to Moricetown Canyon, around Tyhee Lake and then stopped in to see the progress of the new home Andy and Darlene are building.
Moricetown Canyon

Tyhee Lake

From there we went to see Curtis parents' house and had a little snack (Curtis' Mom Carolyn is in Kingman, Alberta helping her parents), Ken and Eunice's place, then took Isaac home (by this time is was about 9:30 - way past his bed time. I'm glad I'd asked Jim to stop at McDonald's around 7 to buy Isaac some supper, as I'd had no idea we'd be sight-seeing so late) before going out for a late meal. I think it was around 10:30 when we returned home.
It sure was great to have my brother and my parents here for the weekend! The guys worked hard to get the deck done, and Mom was sure busy,too, painting Isaac's playroom the two shades of green he chose, and helping with the housecleaning. Russ also helped figure out where our tub was leaking from. We sure appreciate all of their help! I'm glad they could see where we live, and a bit of the surrounding area as well.
Isaac enjoyed having his Uncle Russ and his grandparents here, too, and tried to help whenever he could. He did quite well, all things considered. He tried to tell them lots in a short time, too. Sometimes it was difficult to talk when he was around because he had so much he wanted to say, or ask questions about, and so kept interrupting. I can't blame him, though, for wanting to share as much as he could with them.
Mom, Dad, and Russ left at 6 this morning, and Mom called at 10pm to say they'd just walked through their door at home - it had taken them 2 hours to get home from Chilliwack after dropping Russ at his house. I'm glad they made it safely.
For those of you who read this before I get the photos in, they'll be added in the morning, when Curtis can help me. Goodnight!
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