Yesterday (Friday the 3rd), was spent digging 4' holes (2' wide) for the concrete footings and forms, pouring the concrete and then getting the lumber prepared for assembly. The only major setback was spending a long time getting the stringers all laid out and cut only to find the treated lumber we had delivered was inadequate. It started cracking and pieces actually started falling off with little or no provocation. So that set us back a couple hours having to go get new stringers and then re-cut them.
But we got some assembly done yesterday towards the end of the day. I unfortunately do not have pictures at this time of what the final product of all our labour was. That will come later today or tomorrow. But what I do have is a few images from the construction process thus far. My father-in-law and brother-in-law are here to help and have been such a blessing. It's nice having people who know what they're doing telling me what to do. I'll just provide the labour.
Now if I can only grip that hammer today...
Thanks for keeping in touch and sharing the many adventures and accompanying pictures of the Cunninghams' experiences in Smithers. Good to hear things are going well on the photography and nursing home front. I am glad to hear that you are getting help with your home renovations. Please continue to keep me updated.