Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our amazing son

At the risk of sounding like I'm bragging, I wanted to share something that made Curtis and I very proud. Tonight I got out Isaac's Leapfrog "Word Whammer" game because I'd mentioned it to his teacher at the parent/teacher interview on Thursday night as one of the reasons he knows his letters and the sounds they make. She had commented on how smart he is, that he can already read and sound out a bunch of words in class. (There are some areas that he needs to work on, but this is one he does very well in). I told his teacher that I'd send it with Isaac to his next class, so we got it out - he hadn't played with it in quite awhile, so I had to put new batteries in it - and then we started making words. The game helps kids make three letter words, either by giving them words to spell, or allowing them to put letters together to make their own words. After awhile, I decided to write down the different words we were making. I don't know if I remembered them all, but there were about 40 words that he spelled, either completely on his own, or by my suggesting different letters to substitute for the ones he had, or asking "how do you spell...?". It was so fun to see the excitement of learning and accomplishment on his face! He even had fun telling me (or asking me) what the different words meant, and made a couple of four letter words beside the game.

The last couple of days I took it very easy, having worked 6 shifts in the previous 5 days. I could have worked more overtime, but decided to exercise my right to say no, and spend time with Curtis and Isaac. While I feel bad for the staff who had to work short-handed or do overtime shifts themselves, I realized that if I didn't make time to rest (which is biblical), I would get run down and sick and not be good for anyone. I'm glad I did. Hopefully they will hire more staff soon, and there won't be such a shortage of able-bodied workers!

1 comment:

  1. Already spelling four letter words is he? ;)
    Great to hear that Isaac is doing so well in this area.
