Today I had a day off, so I decided to tackle it. I ended up with several bags of cuttings. I'll try to keep up with it more often, as it definitely looks better trimmed, even if it is more weeds than grass.

The peas and beans are coming along better than the rest of the seeds I planted a couple of weeks ago, but it's exciting to watch the new growth. I planted the flower baskets last Sunday as well, and they add some extra colour near the front entrance and on the back deck.
Your lawn looks like ours, only our dandilions had turned to white fluff and were about 2 feet tall when we got home from our holiday! We are going to try "choking" the weeds out... we have been told that you should just plant more grass seed. The grass will grow extra thick and choke out the weeds... I'll let you know if it works or not!