Today after church, and lunch with Mom and Dad, and driving Bonnie to work for the day (2-10 pm shift), Isaac and I took another hike up to Twin Falls. It was a beautiful day. Here's the pictures to prove it.
Earlier this week we took a couple hours after I was done photography for the day (at least 4 different passport photo sessions), and went out to Tyhee Lake. We had supper there and enjoyed the sunshine. It was a bit windy, so the warmth didn't last as long as we'd have liked. Nonetheless, Isaac enjoyed being outside and playing in the water.
The lawn was looking rather long and yellow this week (like many others around the neighbourhood), as I was busy working, and Curtis was/is fighting a cold. One day Isaac was out there with his dump truck and trying to pick the dandelions by hand - he barely made a dent, and he had quite a load!
Today I had a day off, so I decided to tackle it. I ended up with several bags of cuttings. I'll try to keep up with it more often, as it definitely looks better trimmed, even if it is more weeds than grass.
The peas and beans are coming along better than the rest of the seeds I planted a couple of weeks ago, but it's exciting to watch the new growth. I planted the flower baskets last Sunday as well, and they add some extra colour near the front entrance and on the back deck.
Which of the following three hypothetical statements would be best suited to the above photograph:
"Daddy, don't try and pretend a gravel parking lot is a swimming pool where you dive into the deep end."
"You should see the other guy."
"Daddy, please don't let me go visit my cousins again."
In other less painful news, we've been: a) enjoying the Lego we got from Morfar (my grandfather on my mom's side)
b) doing different crafts
and c) spending time outside (like the photo of Bonnie and Isaac in Bonnie's post above).
I've been quite busy the last couple of weeks with lots of passport photography and soccer photography to do. It's been challenging at times as I've been really struggling with a cold. But thankfully I've made it through the worst of it I think. I only have one more night of soccer photography to do tomorrow night (all 5 or 6 teams of the Under-8 group) and then I'm done. It's been a great experience thus far and I'm hoping to make a lot more business contacts through the relationships I've been building. I'm getting some postcards printed that highlight the portrait photography I can do, and I plan on handing out these cards with the finished soccer photos that come back from the lab.
P.S. Just to set the record straight about the first photo of Isaac, he really did enjoy his time visiting his cousins the other day. He spent the afternoon playing at my brother's place with Josiah, Abigail, Bethany and Aleya. Then Geralyn brought Isaac (and the girls) back into town later in the evening after I was done my soccer photography for the evening. Before they got here to drop Isaac off, they stopped at a plant store and all the kids were running in the parking lot. Isaac and Bethany crashed into each other and then both hit the ground, each sustaining road rash to differing degrees.