Here's one that I took.

Curtis took this one.
I keep hearing people complain about the snow, but I enjoy the look of it (except the dirty stuff on the roads), and don't mind the weather, as long as I'm dressed warm enough. Being chilled to the bone is not much fun, I'll admit. I'm grateful for the fires Curtis usually has going in our fireplace downstairs. I'm also glad we got the snow tires put on the van this week.
I haven't see the moose family around since Curtis took their photos. Do you think they're camera shy? Speaking of families and photos, Curtis took some fun photos of our little family yesterday. Here's one of them:

I haven't started my Christmas baking yet, but I've been thinking about it, and so must the store owners, as I've seen lots of baking items out.
I've done a little bit of Christmas shopping, but today I goofed. I left the gift I'd picked up for Isaac this morning in the van, so he caught a glimpse of it when I went to pick him up from school. I don't suppose there's any chance of him forgetting what he saw between now and Christmas? He made a few comments about it this evening, so at least I know I made a good choice in the gift. I think what I'd like for Christmas is a memory that doesn't forget so often!