Today Isaac and I went with his class, as well as some parents and siblings, on the school bus to Hazelton, BC. After a couple of stops to play at parks, and a lunch break, we returned to Smithers on the train! It was a beautiful day, weather wise, and I believe everyone had a fun time. Here are just a few of the many photos I took to commemorate the day.

Here is Isaac on the school bus. It took about an hour to drive to Hazelton from Smithers. We also stopped en route so that most of us could walk across a very high bridge over a river.

Here Isaac was 'monkeying around' with his friend Josh at the K'san Campground in Old Hazelton.

The train was arriving, and someone commented that I was setting a bad example being too close to the tracks, so the photo ended up a bit blurry as I started to move away.

Here we are on the train. Isaac was
sooo excited! He especially liked going through the tunnels, as did some of the other kids.

A few of the kids took turns playing "Go Fish".

Here is the whole class, with their teacher in the middle, and including one of the younger siblings and a Mom. From this point we were free to walk home or back to the school, as the school bus wasn't scheduled to pick us up for another half an hour. Curtis had come to the station and met us, so he walked back to the school with us so Isaac and I could collect our bikes (as he and I rode together to school this morning). As we walked up Main Street, the local deli was barbecuing burgers outside their store, so Isaac and I shared one, as well as a bottle of root beer. Nice ending to our afternoon! That, and the nap I had when I got home.